Smart Collaboration Accelerator mockup

Smart Collaboration Accelerator

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is a research-based psychometric assessment that helps individuals, leaders, and teams understand their behavioral tendencies and turn those behaviors into ‘catalysts’ for Smart Collaboration. Our research identified seven behavioral dimensions associated with Smart Collaboration.

When there is an understanding of the individual or group profile with respect to each dimension, it allows for individuals and teams to be more thoughtful about when those behavioral tendencies promote effective collaboration and ways to apply those dimensions as catalysts for collaboration around team dynamics, operational needs and complex problem-solving.

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How is it Used

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used by individuals, teams, leadership and organizations to provide:

Each individual with an understanding of their personal collaboration tendencies and how they can use these behavioral tendencies to accelerate Smart Collaboration

Insights for leadership within organizations into how to lead collaboration based on group members' tendencies, and know the most impactful ways to accelerate Smart Collaboration in that group

Practical, actionable recommendations and watchouts to enhance Smart Collaboration

A data-driven, objective way for leaders to drive Smart Collaboration

Foster an inclusive climate in teams through a focus on collaboration, and in particular, how diverse thinking styles can enhance a group's ability to address complex, high-value problems

A shared, behavior-based language that supports a collaborative culture and enhances people’s ability to give constructive feedback


The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used by global professional service firms

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    Global professional service firms

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    Fortune 500 organizations

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    Executive education programs

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    Small to medium-sized innovative organizations

What access to the Smart Collaboration
Accelerator can include

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Personal Report

Individuals receive their own Smart Collaboration Accelerator personal report that provides insights and advice on how they can accelerate Smart Collaboration by turning their behavioral tendencies for collaboration into catalysts. Each individual gains an understanding of their tendencies across the Seven Dimensions of Smart Collaboration, receives Recommended Actions, and also flags Key Things to Watch Out For. At the end of each personal report are Your High Priority Actions and Your High Priority Watch Outs, both based upon each individual’s results.

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Leader Insights Report
(of teams/groups)

When requested, a live Leader Insights Report is available for groups or teams. The Leader Insights Report provides the group (or leader of that group), with insights into how they can accelerate collaboration based on the insights from aggregated individual collaborator data. The Leader Insights Report can remain live and provide updated insights if/when members of a group of collaborators change. A Leader Insights Report includes an analysis of the distribution of collaboration behavior tendencies across the relevant team or group. This analysis highlights dominant tendencies that may be having a greater influence over the collaboration dynamics for that group and actions to accelerate Smart Collaboration. Importantly, the Leader Insights Report from the Smart Collaboration Accelerator provide specific Recommended High Priority Actions for each group or team.

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Dr. Heidi K. Gardner

Dr. Heidi K. Gardner is a Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School and former professor at Harvard Business School. She is currently the faculty chair and instructor in multiple executive education programs at both institutions. She was named by Thinkers50 as a Next Generation Business Guru.

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A technical report on the reliability and validity of the Smart Collaboration Accelerator can be requested below.

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Accreditation in the Smart Collaboration Accelerator is available upon completion of the accreditation program. Accredited Partners are supported in the delivery of programs and workshops using the Smart Collaboration Accelerator and Leader Insights report. Contact us using this form if you have interest in becoming accredited in the Smart Collaboration Accelerator.